Thursday, August 08, 2013

Zipping Across the Prairies

Today was the longest ride I've ever done on a motorcycle.  I started out in Kenora, Ontario and ended up in Weyburn, Saskatchewan.  According to Google Maps, that's 713 km's. In order to stay off of the Trans Canada as much as possible, I had to stay on it as far as Winnipeg, no other option.  From there I branched south and took highway 2 across Manitoba.  The speed limit was the same as the TCH but virtually no traffic and more to see.  Hwy 2 is, nevertheless, very flat and very straight.  I stopped at a small town, the name escapes me, to get gas and snacks. Their sign claims the coldest beer on Hwy 2. 
How could they possibly make that claim.  You just don't kid about something like that! When I confronted the gas station attendant, he confidently said that it is in fact, true.  The real truth is that they're the only place where you can buy beer on Hwy 2.  There are a few places off the main road but not on it.  Truth in advertising. 

A bit later on, I stopped at another small town, Souris Manitoba, for gas and lunch.  The Subway lady there asked if I've checked out their new suspension bridge which she claimed is the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the world.  I have my doubts about that claim, possibly the longest one in Manitoba.  There just isn't that many places that need spanning in that province.

Before I set out on this adventure, there were some places that I had to visit:
  • Cape Spear in Newfoundland. 
  • L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland
  • The Cabot Trail
  • Confederation Bridge linking New Brunswick and PEI.
  • St Lambert, Quebec.  The town where I grew up.
  • The Terry Fox Memorial in Thunder Bay
  • Camping in Cypress Hills Provincial Park (long story)
  • And, the most important of the all, Rouleau Sask.  What's in Rouleau you ask?  Only the small town where Corner Gas was filmed.  Hello! Dog River!

1 comment:

  1. What a great adventure Howard ! So much fun reading about your days on the road.....again.....looking forward to a visit when you are home & seeing more of the awesome pictures that I am sure you have taken!! S & T
